Provisional Bridge
Because Ribbond also bonds to acrylic and bis-acryl, it is commonly used for making reinforced provisional bridges. For longer-term bridges, multiple layers of Ribbond make a strong stress bearing laminate structure to act as a framework. For simple provisionals, one piece is commonly used to prevent cracks from propagating through the resin past the Ribbond. Although a crack may start, the Ribbond prevents catastrophic failure and maintains the integrity of the bridges.

Step 1

Measure distance between outsides of abutments.
Step 2

Place a thin layer of composite on preps for retention. Do not acid etch.
Step 3

Wet Ribbond with unfilled bonding resin.
Step 4

Wetted Ribbond changes from white to translucent.
Step 5

Push Ribbond through composite, against the teeth, and polymerize. If using acrylic, wet polymerized Ribbond with monomer.
Keep Ribbond towards gingival region in pontic.
Step 6

Confirm placement of Ribbond within vacuum formed matrix.
Step 7

Inject provisional bridge composite gingival to Ribbond.
Step 8

Place loaded tray over abutments.
Step 9

Ribbond visible on occlusal surface of abutments.
Step 10

Composite provisional bridge Finished